Friday 25 May 2012

Murray Hyundai's May Long Weekend

Friday, May 18th, 2012

         Last week to kick off the May long weekend the crew at Murray Hyundai put on a tasty BBQ thanks to Pat who prepared a tasty burger with a condiment selection and Sauerkraut (yes, SauerKraut!) that would make anyone salivate. Gail prepared a wonderful potato salad, Phyllis made a nice coleslaw and  AMANDA, you and your ridiculously animated, delectable cupcakes. Wow.
After work, we as a team ventured to the Assiniboia Downs for a fun mix of horse racing and a friendly poker game with our lovely sales team. [Don't worry, from what I know, there were no gambling addictions that fueled this night of betting, however, clearly we had a great time!]

Murray Hyundai, as a group, decided to sponsor a race which meant that we had the opportunity to be on the track with the horses, cheer them on and get a picture with the eventual winner. The daunting weather was a mix of heavy winds, thunder, lighting and steady rain but that didn't stop us from braving the elements. Excuse me, let me re-phrase, Gail,Val, myself and Jim out of 14 of us were the only brave souls that put on ponchos and decided rain or shine we were heading out there to support! [Yes, I will absolutely make sure that the ones who got soaked get a special mention...ahem!...]  With drenched feet, legs and faces (remember, we were wearing ponchos) we cheered on the race, took a picture with the winner, horse #2 “Show Me Yours” and ran for dear life to take shelter immediately after!

A fun poker game later, lots of laughs and an all around great day we called it a night...we did have to work in the morning!

Lauren Sodomsky
E-Commerce / Marketing Manager

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