Thursday 22 November 2012

The Hyundai Fuel Reimbursement Program

I suppose we've always known that achieving a vehicle's fuel ratings is determinant on many factors that make it extremely difficult to ever truly achieve in the real world.  Weather conditions, a heavy foot (like mine), speed variations, etc., all play a pivotal role in how one can get the most out of their fuel tank in one fill.  With this being said, we have all learned to adjust our expectations and try to achieve the best fuel efficiency we can!

Hyundai has always been and in fact was one of the first auto companies to make fuel efficiency for their vehicle line up one of THE most crucial aspects to their build.  In past years, and with exponentially rising fuel costs, people have become much more diligent about selecting the vehicles they drive and how much fuel they are willing to burn for financial and environmental reasons.  With newly styled vehicles designs AND impressive fuel ratings for all models within the lineup, Hyundai sales have been booming.

Not too long ago the fuel economy of the Hyundai product was being questioned and scrutinized.  Hyundai took an initiative and released a statement to their customers and the general public before the news giants got a hold of the story and skewed any information.  The proactive approach was the best route to take in order to maintain the brand integrity Hyundai has worked so hard to achieve.

As of November 2nd, Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. announced that they have corrected the fuel consumption ratings for approximately 172,000 vehicles sold between 2010-2012.  Consumers were realizing that the fuel ratings that they had been told their vehicles could achieve were not matching the "real" fuel ratings they were getting.  As concerns poured in, Hyundai responded accordingly and immediately.

The fuel consumption rating discrepancies were realized as the result of procedural errors during a process called "coast down" testing at the company's testing facilities in Korea. Coast down testing simulates aerodynamic tire rolling resistance and drive train frictional losses and provides the technical data used to program the test dynamo meters that generate fuel consumption ratings. Because of this, Hyundai has introduced the "Hyundai Reimbursement Program" that will compensate current and former Hyundai owners whose particular vehicles have been tagged as having misrepresenting fuel ratings. 

You can log onto to see if your vehicle qualifies. The comprehensive reimbursement program is for affected current and former vehicle owners to cover additional fuel costs associated with the fuel consumption rating change. Customers will receive a personalized, pre-paid credit card with a selected amount. 

There have been mixed reactions and reviews regarding this situation in its entirety.  Some feel that ratings should have been correct from the beginning.  I myself own a 2012 Veloster and it happens to be one of the vehicles that had incorrect fuel ratings, and will be compensated.  I suppose it would have been ideal that all had been copacetic in the fuel ratings, however, for all of the mishaps that have happened in the auto industry involving faulty product and substandard quality, I think it was pretty commendable that Hyundai stepped up first and openly admitted faults in their fuel declarations. They could have admitted guilt and carried on, however, there was responsibility taken and then a decision to monetarily make up for the error to all the customers that were affected. At the end of the day I can accept a small deficiency in fuel ratings that has been recognized and dealt with.  I'd rather that, than my brakes being recalled. 

Best Regards,

Lauren Sodomsky
E-Commerce / Marketing Manager

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